People of POET: Strength in Unity

POET team rallies around Davis family in fight against cancer

“We definitely couldn’t do it without our team.”

In November of 2023, Haley Davis, POET Senior Merchandising Coordinator, received the challenging news of a breast cancer diagnosis. Amidst this adversity, Haley and her husband, Shaun, became testaments to the resilience and strength that emerge when a community rallies together to make a real difference in the lives of its members.

Haley Davis has been part of the POET team for eight years. As a Senior Merchandising Coordinator, she does fast-paced logistical coordination for POET’s facilities in the Eastern Corn Belt.

“My work keeps me on my toes,” said Haley. “Every day is a little different. POET Bioproducts is like our little work family. People usually aren’t friends with their coworkers outside of work, and I can’t imagine that; our friends are here, and we love our work team.”

The core of POET’s mission is to leave the world better than they found it. The POET Bioproducts team takes that mission seriously. They’re known throughout the company for their team bonding and their support of one another.

“As it is throughout all of POET, culture is king,” said Greg Breukelman, President of POET Bioproducts. “That starts with Jeff Broin’s leadership. I’ve seen places where culture extends about as far as posters on the wall. But at POET, we’re very intentional about culture and live it every day. It’s all about having a great culture so the wonderful people we have can thrive.”

Haley and Shaun agreed that POET’s culture is one-of-a-kind.

“My favorite memories from POET have been the Bioproducts Team’s launch parties and the corporate company-wide picnic POET hosts every summer,” said Shaun. “It’s a great time. You get to know everyone better when they’re not at their desks. It brings a different and fun side of everybody out.”

When the POET team learned of Haley’s diagnosis, they came together to support the Davis family in this difficult journey.

“The news was a huge shock as Haley is so young and healthy,” said Breukelman. “Immediately, though, our team jumped in and started helping Haley and Shaun in any way they could, whether that was supplying meal cards, having fundraisers, or arranging snow removal. Of course, no one wants to see a young woman and her family have to deal with this challenge. But at the same time, it is very moving to see the outpouring of love and support from the entire team.”

Each month, POET orchestrated a fundraiser or event to support Haley and Shaun.

It started in December with an initial fundraiser among POET team members. In January, two team members designed bracelets and t-shirts to sell, with proceeds going to the Davis family.

POET Bioproducts team members also had a special surprise in January. When Haley decided she was going to shave her head, her husband and two other coworkers decided they would, too, in solidarity. They turned it into a fundraiser where team members could vote on one of three
comical haircut options for Shaun. The haircut that raised the most funds would be given to Shaun in the office.

Barber chairs, capes, and professionals were brought into the office for the big day.

When the time came for Haley and Shaun to have their heads shaved, six other team members stepped forward and surprised Haley and Shaun that they would be joining them. By the time everyone had their turn, two additional coworkers spontaneously decided to join the festivities
and have their heads shaved as well.

“We originally only had four of us who were going to shave our heads,” said Shaun. “Then there were a few more, and then a few more. By the time we were done, twelve people, Haley and I included, had their heads shaved.”

“Everyone was laughing the whole time and joking about how visitors probably think we hire specifically for bald people since there are so many of us now,” said Haley. “I knew the day would be emotional, but there was so much support in the room. It was really cool. My team made it clear that I wasn't alone in this battle."

In February, at the annual launch party, the team did a karaoke fundraiser on behalf of the Davises. In March, the team started a meal train to help with food and grocery needs while Haley underwent treatment.

“Haley is a real leader at POET Bioproducts as she leads by example,” said Breukelman. “She is friends with everyone and brings a fun, positive attitude to work every day. Even though she had this awful diagnosis and is undergoing grueling treatment where she must be feeling
terrible, she continues to show up with the same great attitude, which is very inspiring.”

Haley’s story is one example of many at POET. At a company whose culture is about supporting others, there are countless instances of team members embodying what it means to give back to others. POET’s team, across its footprint, regularly comes together to help colleagues, team members, and community members in need.

In Sioux Falls, the POET Bioproducts team continues to find small, meaningful ways to remind the Davises that they have a team behind them.

“I was gifted a ‘chemo quilt.’ It’s a quilt that a family member gave me, and I asked everyone on the team to sign it and write something funny or inspirational. I take it with me when I go in for treatments as a reminder that my team is with me. They’ve been so supportive, and it
means the world.”




Vital is a news & media resource published by POET, presenting a variety of stories with the thought leadership one expects from the largest, most forward-thinking bioethanol producer.
