Policy Corner: Growth Energy Biofuels Summit: POET Team Members Discuss Devastation of SREs, Other Critical Issues to Biofuels Industry

Congressman Dusty Johnson (R-SD) has been a strong supporter and biofuels champion in Washington. Pictured are Aaron Riswold, Congressman Dusty Johnson, Heather Powell, Justin Strawn, Bill Rosenau and Adam Wirt.

Fifteen POET team members joined more than 100 other industry advocates in September at the Growth Energy Biofuels Summit in Washington D.C. Over several days, summit attendees heard industry experts and special guests, including U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) and U.S. Representative Cheri Bustos (D-IL-17), discuss the state of the biofuels industry. Those conversations helped them prepare for more than 250 meetings with legislators and their staffs.

POET team members also had the opportunity to meet with Representative Ron Estes (R-KY-4) and Chief of Staff Josh Bell. They discussed industry challenges and heard from Rep. Estes about how he is supporting the industry. 

In addition to meetings with elected officials, POET team members were actively engaged with White House discussions about increasing biofuel blending mandates. POET was part of a meeting with biofuels industry representatives to discuss President Trump’s expected biofuels reform package

Sen. John Thune (R-SD) received the 2019 Fueling Growth Award in recognition of his service and support of the biofuels industry. Pictured are Michaela Color (Growth Energy), Amy Davis (Novozymes), Bill Rosenau (POET Biorefining - Groton), Aaron Riswold (POET LLC), Dana Lewis (Redfield Energy), Sen. John Thune, Justin Strawn (POET LLC), Heather Powell (POET LLC), Adam Wirt (POET Research Center) and Joe Kekesh (Growth Energy).

During meetings on the Hill, team members shared personal stories to show the devastating impact of the EPA’s abuse of small refinery exemptions on the biofuels industry and rural America. In addition to SREs, POET team members also asked legislators to increase biofuel blending through the RFS reset, increase international markets for biofuels, support high octane fuels and advance corn kernel fiber cellulosic biofuels.




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